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The Initial assessment is a 75 minute 1 on 1 meeting where we will get to know you, your body, your lifestyle and your goals. We start by learning about you and your needs and we will then discuss some fundamental concepts and theory. A full body analysis will be performed to find out details about your body fat percent, glucose metabolism, cardiovascular (resting HR), urine analysis and more.. We will then review everything and decide on the best strategy for optimizing your performance. You can choose to have a custom plan built by one of our performance experts. We have different types of plans to choose from, each one is unique and designed to meet the needs of different types of individuals. If no plan is needed, we can simply provide advice on how to optimize your performance strategy.



Insurance receipts available

The base plan is ideal for you if you are looking for support and tools to help you improve your food & supplementation, exercise, sleep & breathwork through a customized structure.  It is a great solution for body composition, but is completely customizable and can be adapted to meet various types of goals such as muscle building. The base plan provides a framework that helps you learn how to improve the nutrient composition of your meals, chose appropriate portion sizes in relation to your size, age, weight and goals, and consciously connect your food choices to your health outcomes.  Our goal is to support you and make learning, and integrating nutritional principles into your life, simple, user friendly and successful. 



(Nutrigenomix testing included)

Insurance receipts available


The Performance Plan was developed for athletes and serious fitness enthusiasts to help them maximize their energy, endurance, strength, recovery and overall performance by harnessing the power of a perfectly balanced whole food nutrition plan.  

Our experts use meticulous calculations completely tailored to your schedule.  We take into account food timing, varying daily energy expenditure, training type, genetics and your specific goals.  We work with you to craft meals that ensure a balance macro and micro nutrients from whole foods, and take into consideration your likes and dislikes.  

The performance plan might also be right for you if you want a high amount of structure and support to change your lifestyle and eating habits.  The performance plan takes all of the guess work out of dieting and provides the support and tools to meet your goals and change your life. 


149.99+tx - Clinic

45 minute with body analysis, report, and plan adaptions

89.99+tx - Online

30 minute with plan review and adaptions


1 month of online support

Insurance receipts available


We provide follows ups at set intervals to keep your support, adapted and on the right path. Our support system is tailored to your needs.


250+tx - Hormone analysis

Analysis of various hormones including cortisol, testosterone, estrodial, thyroid hormones and more.

30+tx - Urine analysis

Analysis of urine for various vitamin and mineral levels.

500+tx - Nutrigenomix Genetic testing

72 gene test regarding nutrient metabolism

50+tx - Lung capacity testing

Example of a Phyto Meal! Whole foods, with balanced macro and micro nutrients deliciousness!

Example of a healthy meal! Whole foods, with balanced macro and micro nutrients deliciousness!