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Our team specializes in taking athletic performance to the next level.  With careful assessment of your individual needs and athletic goals, we craft tailored sports plans that take the guess work out and get you the precise results you need.

full body assessments

Everything we do is based in science.  As science lovers, we collect and rely on DATA to help you meet your fitness goals.

We assess and track:

  • Body fat percentage and distribution

  • Major muscle groups

    • trending growth and loss

  • Bio-Electric Impedance

  • Metabolic efficiency

    • fasting glucose

  • Insulin sensitivity

    • glucose tolerance

  • Cardiovascular health

    • Resting heart rate and blood pressure

  • Urine Analysis

  • Hormone testing

  • Genetic testing

education and structure

We believe that knowledge is essential in order to make lasting lifestyle changes.  But,


SO we build custom meal plans to help you transition your new KNOWLEDGE into new HABITS

We have a variety of plan formats and we help you decide what would work best to meet your individual goals, given your lifestyle and your budget. 

All of our meal plans are designed with the intention of providing a framework and effective tools to help maximize your performance.

support and accountability

We understand that big lifestyle changes take time and continued motivation to stay on track.

Each new plan includes an on boarding, we will do everything it takes to get you set up and comfortable on your new plan, this includes answering all your initial questions via email.

We have additional support available in the form on weekly / bi weekly / monthly consults, via in person session, emails, Zoom or whatever method helps you most.

Full assessments should be done every 4-8 weeks. We will redo a full body analysis similar to the initial consult, and then write up a report with data and pictures. This will help us track and understand your progress, as well we can make adaptions to your plan based on your results.

After you meet your goals, we can continue to follow you periodically to help you with maintaining your health over time.