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MTL BIOHACK Blog. Science-backed nutrition information. Sports Nutrition.

The Buzz Behind Beta-alanine

Patrick Martin

Beta-Alanine turns into muscle carnotine, will buffer muscle acidity and prolong the onset of muscle fatigue.

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Creatine: Effective and Safe

Patrick Martin

The average omnivore eats about one gram of it per day, through meat and seafood consumption. When doing very high-intensity exercise, your body uses it to make energy rapidly available for your muscles. The liver and kidneys synthesize it to make up for the other gram or two that the body needs daily.

It is creatine: one of the most researched and effective performance-enhancing supplements  for improving high-intensity exercise capacity and increasing lean body mass.


Primary action

In the body, creatine is a part of the high-energy system that is active during very intense bouts of exertion. It provides your muscles with a short burst of energy prior to sprinting or a performing a heavy lift.

The average 70kg man requires about 1-3 grams of creatine daily, with only about half of it coming from the diet, and the other half being synthesized in the body from other nutrients.

If supplemented, creatine enables you to push yourself harder than usual; it’s useful for gains in strength and muscle mass, not to mention a better recovery.


Other Potential Uses

In sport creatine supplementation may improve injury prevention and/or recovery, enhance tolerance to exercise in the heat (via ‘hyper-hydration’ and improved heat regulation) and might play a role in brain and spinal cord neuroprotection. But the latter is still considered controversial.

There are even some studies testing the use of creatine for neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, aging, depression, and even pregnancy. But again, more research is needed for conclusive results.


How to Supplement

Search for creatine monohydrate, as it is the cheapest and most effective form, or hydrolyzed creatine monohydrate (it’s similar yet dissolves better in water).

According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, the best way to increase creatine stores is to take ~0.3 g/kg/day of creatine monohydrate for 5 to 7 days as a part of what is called the ‘loading phase’. This means the average 70 kg individual would take about 20 grams per day for a week-long loading phase. Then, supplementation should be reduced to 3 to 5 grams per day to maintain high creatine stores.

There seems to be no strong scientific evidence regarding safety concerns, even for consumption of up to 30 grams per day for 5 years. Contrary to hearsay, creatine is not likely to cause dehydration, muscle injury, or kidney failure.

However, be smart about supplementation by drinking sufficient water and monitoring any symptoms regardless.


To Sum It Up

Creatine is what drives the body’s high-energy system that fuels high-intensity burst movements, such as lifting weights or sprinting. Supplementing with creatine monohydrate at 3-5 g per day can increase your creatine levels, allowing oneself to push harder and recover faster, leading to greater strength and muscle mass. Other applications such as neuroprotection are in need of further research.


- Lucas Roldos

Disclaimer: The information provided is meant to spread knowledge and induce interest for educational purposes. It is based on limited research. We try to pull the overall message of the literature, but further research may be necessary.  What is done with the information or suggestions is solely the consumers decision. The information provided is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. References are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of any website or other sources.

References provided within the text as hyperlinks.


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Food Fun, Funds, and Fundamentals (Series #3)

Patrick Martin

Welcome to the third installment of “Food Fun, Funds, and Fundamentals,” an ongoing exploration of food preparation, handling, and appreciation. To learn more about the philosophy behind these vignettes, please click here for Series #1, which shines attention on egg and rice selection, while Series #2 centers around maximizing the use of your herbs and spices. This week focuses on an important yet often overlooked aspect of home cooking: food poisoning prevention.

Botulism anyone?

          Before opening any canned foods, give the can a quick inspection. Does it have any holes or appear compromised in any way? Chuck it! One particularly ominous sign is when the can appears bulgy, as if it were pressurized by a gas (which technically it is). What this means is that Clostridium botulinum have contaminated the food. These bacteria produce a toxin that causes an often lethal disease called botulism. For bulging cans, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you place the can in a Ziploc bag, seal it with tape, then repeat the process with a second bag; put it in the trash and not the recycling bin.1

Welcome to the danger zone...

Two of the biggest factors involved in preventable food-borne illnesses are time and temperature; most harmful pathogens grow best between a temperature range of 4 and 60 °C, known in the food-service industry as “the danger zone” (not to be confused with the legendary hit song by Kenny Loggins). So, an important guideline is to keep hot foods above 60 °C, and cold or stored foods below 4°C. Food items should be discarded once they’ve spent a total of 4 hours cumulatively in the danger zone.2

Wash your melons.. Not those melons..

          While most people know that washing your hands and produce thoroughly is a good idea, it’s easy to forget about the thick-skinned specimens, such as cantaloupe. If you were to cut an unwashed cantaloupe, the knife might contaminate the edible portion with unwanted bacteria, so try to scrub your fruits and vegetables with a food-grade brush and soap beforehand.

Bleach is great, but mustard gas isn't 

Hoseholds that I’ve encountered clean their dishes and utensils the following way (those that clean them manually, that is): wash dishes with dish-detergent, rinse the dishes, then towel-dry the dishes. This popular method is not ideal; while washing and rinsing the dish is important, there is a difference between a dish that is clean and a dish that is sterile (i.e., nothing is living on it). To sterilize a cleaned dish, bleach—when used properly—is a safe and effective disinfectant. Using a separate sink or bin (I like bus bins), mix 4 teaspoons (20 mL) of bleach per liter of lukewarm water, then let the dishes and utensils soak in the bin for at least 2 minutes. It’s important not to use hot water or other detergents along with the bleach because not only is it ineffective, this might cause the release of dangerous fumes (e.g. bleach and ammonia combined will react to create mustard gas; yes, the same horrific gas used in World War I). Also, bleach can be corrosive and leave a bad smell when used in high concentrations, so use it sparingly.

Let them hang out to dry!

          Growing-up, my mother assumed I was being lazy whenever I allowed my newly washed dishes to air-dry overnight rather than use a towel. But something always seemed “off” about this process. It turns out I’m vindicated! Other than temperature and time, bacteria also require moisture to multiply, and dish towels have a tendency of getting damp midway through the task. Those still damp dishes then end up in a cupboard and act as a home for microbes. Not to mention that dish towel was likely used for other things, such as drying your hands or wiping countertops, which act as sources for contamination. Feel free to let your sterile and clean dishes dry during the day or overnight on the rack, and don’t feel guilty!


When you eat, be just, cheerful, equable, temperate and orderly; thus, you will eat acceptably to the gods.     



- Tyler Feeney-

M.Sci (c) in Dietetics


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Energy Systems in Your Body

Patrick Martin

While a calorie is a calorie, the “burning” of calories (aka food) consumed can be very different.

In the human body, there are two separate systems that break down macronutrients to produce energy, and three different energy systems tailored to the type, intensity, and duration of activity.

Energy Currency


To make use of the three different bioenergetic systems, the body uses one predominant molecule to store and transport the energy: adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Energy is produced when one of the three phosphates from ATP splits off, fueling your movements and warming you up, while also leaving adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and a lone phosphate behind.


ATP ←→  ADP + Phosphate (P) + energy


When you start moving, you begin drawing on your small ATP stores. The three energy systems kick in to help replenish ATP levels and keep you grooving, but your body may prioritize activity of one system depending on the nature of your activity.

Phosphocreatine (PCr) System


The phosphocreatine energy system is prioritized during the first 15 seconds of very high-intensity activity, in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic). This includes activities such as weight lifting, high and long jumps, and the 100-meter dash.

This system exploits the ability of a protein, creatine (Cr), to bind and store phosphate molecules in the form of phosphocreatine (PCr), that can replenish a recently used ATP by providing the phosphate it just split off.


PCr → P + Cr + energy




This allows for a rapid replenishment of energy currency for a short burst of high-energy output. If you are still exerting lots of energy, your body will be forced to utilize the next system.

Anaerobic Glycolytic System


After the first 10-15 seconds of intensive exercise, and until about 3 minutes, the anaerobic glycolytic system is prioritized, breaking down glucose (carbohydrates) without the presence of oxygen to produce ATP.

The process is relatively inefficient, ‘leaking’ energy as heat, and leaving an undesirable by-product known as lactic acid. This is why you find yourself wiping your brow after sprinting to catch your bus on time.

This system is mainly active during sports events such as the 800-meter sprint, downhill ski racing, and sprints during soccer or hockey games. Still high-intensity activity, but not all out at once.

The final system applies to almost every activity you could think of.

Aerobic Oxidative System


The aerobic oxidative energy system uses the oxygen to help breakdown carbohydrates, then fats, and proteins (as a last resort), to produce ATP. The macronutrients are broken down in a stepwise fashion to efficiently harness the energy and minimize the losses as heat.

This system is active when any activity occurs at an intensity below the threshold of the anaerobic glycolytic system. Daily activities such as walking, jogging, chores around the house, all use this energy system.

Now remember, all systems turn on when activity begins. However, depending on the activity, intensity, and duration, one may be prioritized to better fit your energy needs!

To Sum It Up


The energy currency within the body, ATP, produces energy when one of the three phosphates breaks off. ATP replenishment occurs in three different systems within the body depending on the type, intensity, duration of activity.

The Phosphocreatine system uses a protein called creatine that provides phosphates for almost immediate ATP recovery within the first 15 seconds of very high-intensity activity. The anaerobic glycolytic system breaks down glucose inefficiently to recover ATP quickly, usually working between 10 seconds to 3 minutes after activity starts. The aerobic oxidative system uses oxygen to slowly yet efficiently harness energy from all macronutrients and recover ATP levels.

- Lucas Roldos


Disclaimer: The information provided is meant to spread knowledge and induce interest for educational purposes. It is based on limited research. We try to pull the overall message of the literature, but further research may be necessary.  What is done with the information or suggestions is solely the consumers decision. The information provided is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. References are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of any website or other sources.


Bean, Anita. (October 2017). The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition. London: Bloomsbury Sport.

Wells, GD, et al. (September 2009). Bioenergetic Provision of Energy for Muscular Activity. Paediatric Respiratory Reviews.

Other references provided within the text as hyperlinks


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A Neuroprotective Diet Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Patrick Martin

With the coming new year comes new existential dreads. For me, it’s the mortality and well-being of friends and family that fills me with trepidation. While old age can be a blessing, it can be a source of incredible pain when memories and personality begin to permanently fade and warp—a death of the person long before their actual demise. Such is what happens in the context of dementia, with Alzheimer’s being the most well-known cause.

The genetic component

Undoubtedly, Alzheimer’s disease has a genetic component; persons carrying the gene variant APOE-e4 are at higher risk for having Alzheimer’s disease than those with the gene APOE-e3, due to the impaired ability of proteins coded by e4 to remove toxins from nerve tissue[1]. Thankfully, there is mounting evidence that diet plays an equally important role in preventing or slowing Alzheimer’s disease onset.

Higher risk for Diabetics 

Poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated not only with obesity and chronic hyperglycemia, but also with Alzheimer’s disease; the high blood sugar levels seen in diabetes can increase your chances of getting dementia by 58% compared to keeping them within the normal range[2]. This is thought to be because high sugar concentrations can cause proteins to malfunction, one of these being amyloid-beta, which forms deposits in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s disease[3]. Adhering to your treatment plan if you have diabetes, or ideally taking steps to prevent type 2 diabetes altogether, by adopting a healthy body weight through moderate calorie-restriction and active lifestyle, can go a long way in avoiding this devastating neurodegenerative disease[4].

Nutrition to the rescue

What you eat is as important as how much you eat when it comes to a neuroprotective diet. A proper dietary intake of essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), folate, and Vitamin E through the consumption of nuts, fish and poultry, fruits, cruciferous and green leafy vegetables is linked with neuroprotection, while cognitive decline is linked with high butter/high-fat dairy, red and organ meat intake (foods which are high in saturated fat and calories)[5].


Moderate red wine consumption (which is 3 or fewer drinks per day for men, 2 or fewer drinks per day for women—no more than five times per week) may offer a novel way to protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Red wine contains a high concentration of resveratrol, a compound found not just in the skin of grapes but also in peanuts and many types of berries. Resveratrol is thought to maintain the proper functioning of the blood-brain barrier and to promote a healthy lifespan in humans by mimicking what happens to the body during calorie-restriction and exercise[6].

The antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables can guard against the damage caused by the waste by-products of metabolism (hydrogen peroxide, for example), which are toxic to the brain: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, lutein, alpha-carotene, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin are antioxidants that are depleted in persons with Alzheimer’s disease[7], with higher intakes of antioxidants conversely shown to offer protection [9], [10], [11]. While concentrates of antioxidants can be purchased in pill form, it is better to get them from food since antioxidants work in systems rather than in isolation—concentrated doses of antioxidants can actually act in the opposite manner, causing harm to the body and brain.

Vitamin K has also been implicated with better cognition and memory in the elderly[8] (note that if you are on a medication that affects blood-clotting, such as Warfarin, speak to your doctor before increasing Vitamin K intake). You can find this nutrient mainly in green leafy vegetables.

Share the information

If you think or fear that a loved one might be at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, please print this article and read it to them. While such dietary changes might not fully prevent neurodegeneration, it will reduce their chances and at minimum will significantly slow the progression of cognitive decline.


- Tyler Feeney-

M.Sci (c) in Dietetics

Disclaimer: The information provided is meant to spread knowledge and induce interest for educational purposes. It is based on limited research. We try to pull the overall message of the literature, but further research may be necessary.  What is done with the information or suggestions is solely the consumers decision. The information provided is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. References are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of any website or other sources.




1.       Liu, C. C., Kanekiyo, T., Xu, H., & Bu, G. (2013). Apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer disease: risk, mechanisms and therapy. Nature Reviews Neurology9(2), 106-118.

2.       Li, T. C., Yang, C. P., Tseng, S. T., Li, C. I., Liu, C. S., Lin, W. Y., ... & Lin, C. C. (2017). Visit-to-Visit variations in fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer disease: Taiwan Diabetes Study. Diabetes Care40(9), 1210-1217.

3.       Chao, A. C., Lee, T. C., Juo, S. H. H., & Yang, D. I. (2016). Hyperglycemia Increases the Production of Amyloid Beta‐Peptide Leading to Decreased Endothelial Tight Junction. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics22(4), 291-297.

4.       Van Cauwenberghe, C., Vandendriessche, C., Libert, C., & Vandenbroucke, R. E. (2016). Caloric restriction: beneficial effects on brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Mammalian Genome27(7-8), 300-319.

5.       Diet, A. P. (2010). Food Combination and Alzheimer Disease Risk. Archives of Neurology67(6), 699-706.

6.       Fernández, A. F., & Fraga, M. F. (2011). The effects of the dietary polyphenol resveratrol on human healthy aging and lifespan. Epigenetics6(7), 870-874.

7.       Rinaldi, P., Polidori, M. C., Metastasio, A., Mariani, E., Mattioli, P., Cherubini, A., ... & Mecocci, P. (2003). Plasma antioxidants are similarly depleted in mild cognitive impairment and in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging24(7), 915-919.

8.       Presse, N., Belleville, S., Gaudreau, P., Greenwood, C. E., Kergoat, M. J., Morais, J. A., ... & Ferland, G. (2013). Vitamin K status and cognitive function in healthy older adults. Neurobiology of Aging34(12), 2777-2783.

9.       Dai, Q., Borenstein, A. R., Wu, Y., Jackson, J. C., & Larson, E. B. (2006). Fruit and vegetable juices and Alzheimer’s disease: the Kame Project. The American journal of medicine119(9), 751-759.

10.    Devore, E. E., Kang, J. H., Breteler, M., & Grodstein, F. (2012). Dietary intakes of berries and flavonoids in relation to cognitive decline. Annals of Neurology72(1), 135-143.

11.  Cabrera, C., Artacho, R., & Giménez, R. (2006). Beneficial effects of green tea—a review. Journal of the American College of Nutrition25(2), 79-99.


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